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Peanuts is a fictional supplement to the French magazine Télérama that is marketed towards 16-18 year olds. I created this magazine with Mona Jagiello, Alex Di Marzio, and Felix Simoncelli as a part of our Masters program at the École de Condé in October, 2019.

The main purpose of this magazine supplement is to educate teenagers about culture and the world around them. Adolescence is such a formative time in one’s life, and we wanted to create an objective source that teens could use to learn and create their own opinions about the environment, politics, social issues, culture, and more.

This assignment had three main requirements: starting conversations with adolescents, keeping strong ties with the spirit of Télérama, and modernizing Télérama’s aesthetic to appeal to a younger audience.

We chose the title Peanuts because to us, peanuts represent something that you can snack on without being hungry, at any time of day. They are small, just like our articles, but once you have one, you don’t want to stop.